Alumni trio volunteers at Mizner debate viewing party

By Harika Rao '11, '15
Published Friday, Dec. 7, 2012


Michelle Clubb '08, Joseph Essaye '09 and Carmen de Ocampo '77 were proud to volunteer at the debate viewing party for alumni on Oct. 22 in Mizner Park.


Carmen met her late husband, Joe Essaye, while both attended Lynn. Carmen's son, Joseph, graduated with a master’s degree in business administration and met his fiancé, Michelle, who graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in international relations. Carmen says, “Lynn’s position in the community may also be enhanced by the debate, thereby increasing the value of graduates’ degrees.”


Everyone who attended the party was enthusiastic to be part of the experience of watching a presidential debate and stayed away from any political discussion.  “We had the neat chance to volunteer at Mizner debate viewing party and were greeted by friendly smiles everywhere we turned. While we were surprised a couple of times with who we saw there as friends and new faces mixed in the crowd, our primary responsibility was to keep the grounds neat and free of any dirty dishes” said Michelle.  


All three Lynn alums had an exciting experience being part of such a historical event. “The experience was one we will remember for the rest of our lives and really did get to enjoy as volunteers. The opportunity to share the night of the debate with local small business leaders, fellow alumni, and community activists helped us expand our horizons and truly enjoy this unique evening” said Joseph and Michelle.


Carmen said “It was a moment of personal pride to see Lynn University’s vision, dedication and generosity to develop Marymount into what it is today.”